Why We Require Vaccines at Ruby's K9 Corral: Ensuring a Safe and Healthy Environment for All

At Ruby's K9 Corral, the health and safety of our canine guests are our top priorities. To maintain a safe and healthy environment, we have a strict vaccination policy for all dogs that visit our facility. In this blog post, we'll explain why vaccines are crucial and how they benefit every pet and owner associated with Ruby's K9 Corral.

1. Protecting Against Contagious Diseases

Vaccines play a vital role in protecting your dog from highly contagious and potentially life-threatening diseases. Some of the key vaccines we require include:

  • Rabies: This is a fatal viral disease that affects the central nervous system and can be transmitted to humans. Vaccination against rabies is mandatory by law in many areas.

  • Distemper: A severe viral illness affecting the respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems.

  • Parvovirus (Parvo): A highly contagious virus that causes severe gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting and diarrhea, which can be fatal.

  • Bordetella (Kennel Cough): A bacterial infection that causes respiratory symptoms similar to a cold in humans, but can be more severe in dogs.

  • Canine Influenza: A respiratory disease that spreads easily among dogs, especially in group settings like boarding facilities and dog parks.

2. Preventing the Spread of Disease

At Ruby's K9 Corral, many dogs of various ages and backgrounds interact with each other. Without proper vaccination, diseases can spread rapidly from one dog to another, leading to outbreaks that can be difficult to control. By requiring vaccines, we significantly reduce the risk of contagious diseases spreading within our community.

3. Ensuring a Safe Social Environment

A well-vaccinated dog population allows for safe social interactions during playtime, training sessions, and boarding. Pet owners can feel confident that their furry friend is less likely to encounter a sick or infectious dog, making every visit to Ruby's K9 Corral a positive experience.

4. Protecting Puppies and Vulnerable Dogs

Young puppies, senior dogs, and dogs with compromised immune systems are particularly vulnerable to infections. By maintaining a vaccinated environment, we help shield these susceptible dogs from exposure to potentially harmful pathogens.

5. Compliance with Legal and Ethical Responsibilities

Certain vaccinations, like rabies, are legally required in many regions. Ensuring that all dogs are vaccinated helps us comply with local regulations and fosters responsible pet ownership. Additionally, as a facility dedicated to the well-being of pets, it's our ethical duty to minimize health risks for all dogs in our care.

6. Peace of Mind for Pet Owners

As pet owners, you deserve peace of mind knowing that your dog is in a safe and healthy environment. By adhering to our vaccination policy, you help create a community where pet health is prioritized, and every dog can enjoy their time at Ruby's K9 Corral worry-free.

Our Vaccination Requirements

To ensure the safety of all dogs at Ruby's K9 Corral, we require the following vaccinations:

  • Rabies

  • Distemper

  • Parvovirus

  • Bordetella

  • Canine Influenza (optional but highly recommended)


Vaccinating your dog is a simple yet powerful way to protect their health and the health of other dogs in our community. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our vaccination policy, helping us maintain Ruby's K9 Corral as a safe, fun, and healthy place for all our canine friends.

For any questions or to verify your dog's vaccination status, please don't hesitate to contact us. Together, we can ensure a happy, healthy future for every dog at Ruby's K9 Corral.

Vicky Simpson

My husband and I moved here from the Texas Hill Country back in 2015 and have been here on our property ever since! I was nursing up until that point and finally was able to achieve my dream of opening a luxury dog care facility back in 2017. I still love it after all these years as it has brought some truly awesome dogs and wonderful people across our paths. I am truly blessed to have earned the trust of our wonderful community with the care of their beloved dogs!


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